Our Mission at Ambactus Global

At Ambactus Global, we are dedicated to forging pathways to solve pressing challenges in governance, education, and international development. Our approach is rooted in creating trust-based solutions that draw on deep connections and a commitment to serve a higher purpose.

The Culturally Conscious Board: Setting the Boardroom Table for Impact

Bust the status quo of board room administrative tedium and passive participation to contribute to meaningful social transformation and impact in your organization. Authors Jukanovich and West offer changemakers new to the boardroom the mindset and strategies necessary to make a difference in the organizations they lead.

Mission-based, socially responsible, and transformational organizations are needed more today than ever. And the boards that lead them must be in tune with their stakeholder’s culture. But so often they are held back by ineffective decision making and a lack of interpersonal trust.

This book breaks down the key elements of a successful boardroom and how to achieve them. From onboarding diverse talent to establishing trust through accountability, you will have the tools and actionable techniques needed to effectively make a difference in the world with healthier boardroom practices.

Empowering Connections for Meaningful Change